[Rabbit-dev] jpeg conversions not working

Luis Soltero lsoltero at globalmarinenet.com
Tue Aug 30 23:35:26 CEST 2011

Hello All,

Here is the situation..

I have two identically configured proxy servers. one running on a opensuse machine and one on a centos 5 machine.  the
proxy binaries and the config files are identical.

yet.. on one jpgs get converted and on the other they do not...  other image formats convert just fine. Its an issue
only with jpgs.

here is a sample URL that gets converted on a SUSE machine. - test 30/Aug/2011:21:27:16 GMT "GET
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/08/30/t1larg.chinook.memorial.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 7953 [0, 86]

here is the same URL on the centos machine - test 30/Aug/2011:22:27:22 GMT "GET
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/08/30/t1larg.chinook.memorial.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 77910 [0, 3]

i have flushed both the proxy and the browser caches before doing the test. I have repeated the test over and over and
get the same result.

here is proof that the two conf files are the same

spider:/usr/local/rabbit4.11-beta-3119/conf # sum rabbit.conf
21308    21

[root at fly /usr/local/RabbIT4-3119/conf]# sum rabbit.conf
21308    21

The suse machine is running the following version of Java

spider:/usr/local/rabbit4.11-beta-3119/conf # rpm -qa | grep java

the cent os machine is running
[root at fly /usr/local/RabbIT4-3119/conf]# rpm -qa | grep java

When fetching the above url manually and then running it through convert or gm using the options in the config file the
image converts just fine.  So... i know its not an issue with the converter.

Anyone have any ideas why jpg conversion are failing? Anyone see this before?



Luis Soltero, Ph.D., MCS
Director of Software Development, CTO
Global Marine Networks, LLC
StarPilot, LLC
Tel: 865-379-8723
Fax: 865-681-5017
E-Mail: lsoltero at globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.globalmarinenet.net
Web: http://www.starpilotllc.com

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