[Rabbit-dev] DNS to block malware

Rick Leir rickleir at leirtech.com
Wed Dec 15 12:12:41 CET 2010

Hi Luis, Robo,
I like to block malware using OpenDNS.com, by pointing my system 
resolver at their DNS server.
HTH -- Rick

 From the dnsjava README:

There's no standard way to determine what the local nameserver or DNS search
path is at runtime from within the JVM.  dnsjava attempts several methods
until one succeeds.

  - The properties 'dns.server' and 'dns.search' (comma delimited lists) are
    checked.  The servers can either be IP addresses or hostnames (which are
    resolved using Java's built in DNS support).
  - The sun.net.dns.ResolverConfiguration class is queried.
  - On Unix, /etc/resolv.conf is parsed.
  - On Windows, ipconfig/winipcfg is called and its output parsed.  This may
    fail for non-English versions on Windows.
  - As a last resort, "localhost" is used as the nameserver, and the search
    path is empty.

On 15/12/2010 12:46 AM, rabbit-dev-request at khelekore.org wrote:
>   malware sites

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