[Rabbit-dev] convert

Rick Leir rickleir at leirtech.com
Tue Sep 14 22:28:21 CEST 2010

Hi Robo,

Here is a line in ExternalProcessConverter that looks wrong. This does 
not matter as long as the conf file overrides it. Sorry for being picky.

     private static final String STD_CONVERT_ARGS =
     "conovert -quality 10 -flatten $filename +profile \"*\" 

Also, in the conf file, let's put a sample for the java image quality:

Just an idea, but how about converting jpeg's to pjpeg? That would be 
good for clients with modems, but maybe it is not practical.

The main reason that am poking into this is because the Java image 
conversion is broken for png's. Here is code in JavaImageConverter that 
appears to be for jpeg only:

     private ImageWriter getImageWriter () throws IOException {
	Iterator<ImageWriter> iter =
	    ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName ("jpeg");


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