
Classes that deal with network and i/o.


Interface Summary
BufferHandle A handle to a ByteBuffer
BufferHandler A ByteBuffer handler
InetAddressListener An interface for a listener of asyncronous dns lookups.
Resolver An interface to handle name lookups.
SocketBinder Used to control how WebConection bind to the local sockets.
Storable An object that can be read to a DataOutput and read from a DataInput.
WebConnectionListener A listener for waiting on web connections.

Class Summary
Address A class to handle the addresses of the connections.
BoundBinder A binder that will bind to a specific InetAddress
CacheBufferHandle A handle to a ByteBuffer that uses a buffer handler
CachingBufferHandler A ByteBuffer handler that keeps re uses returned buffers.
ConnectionHandler A class to handle the connections to the net.
DefaultBinder A binder that only binds to the wildcard address and port.
FileHelper Helper class for common file operations.
Range A class to handle a range.
SimpleBufferHandle A handle to a ByteBuffer.
WebConnection A class to handle a connection to the Internet.

Package Description

Classes that deal with network and i/o.