Class SimpleBlockReader

  extended by org.khelekore.rnio.impl.SocketHandlerBase<SocketChannel>
      extended by org.khelekore.rnio.impl.SimpleBlockReader
All Implemented Interfaces:
ReadHandler, SocketChannelHandler

public abstract class SimpleBlockReader
extends SocketHandlerBase<SocketChannel>
implements ReadHandler

A reader of data. Will wait until a channel is read-ready and then read a block of data from it.

Robert Olofsson

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.khelekore.rnio.impl.SocketHandlerBase
nioHandler, sc, timeout
Constructor Summary
SimpleBlockReader(SocketChannel sc, NioHandler nioHandler, Long timeout)
          Create a new block reader.
Method Summary
abstract  void channelClosed()
          Do any cleanup that needs to be done when the channel we tried to read from was closed.
 ByteBuffer getByteBuffer()
          Called before a read attempt is made.
abstract  void handleBufferRead(ByteBuffer buf)
          Handle the buffer content.
 void handleIOException(IOException e)
          Handle the exception, default is to log it and to close the channel.
 void putByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buf)
          Return the ByteBuffer, this method will be called when read gets EOF or no data.
 void read()
          Try to read data from the channel.
 void register()
          Wait for the channel to become read ready.
Methods inherited from class org.khelekore.rnio.impl.SocketHandlerBase
closed, getDescription, getTimeout, timeout, useSeparateThread
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.khelekore.rnio.SocketChannelHandler
closed, getDescription, getTimeout, timeout, useSeparateThread

Constructor Detail


public SimpleBlockReader(SocketChannel sc,
                         NioHandler nioHandler,
                         Long timeout)
Create a new block reader.

sc - the channel to read from
nioHandler - the NioHandler to use for waiting on data
timeout - the timeout time, may be null if not timeout is set
Method Detail


public void read()
Try to read data from the channel.

Specified by:
read in interface ReadHandler


public ByteBuffer getByteBuffer()
Called before a read attempt is made. The default is to create a new 1kB big ByteBuffer and return it.


public void putByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buf)
Return the ByteBuffer, this method will be called when read gets EOF or no data. The default is to do nothing.


public void handleIOException(IOException e)
Handle the exception, default is to log it and to close the channel.


public abstract void channelClosed()
Do any cleanup that needs to be done when the channel we tried to read from was closed.


public abstract void handleBufferRead(ByteBuffer buf)
                               throws IOException
Handle the buffer content.



public void register()
Wait for the channel to become read ready.